Thursday, February 26, 2009

Biological Warfare

As the modern age becomes more technologically advanced, new ways of warfare have developed. We've gone from throwing rocks to nuclear bombs. Now, a new, much more deadly way has been experimented in terrorist labs. The scientists in Iran and other middle eastern nations have developed harmful bacteriae and viri that could turn the US into a deserted, lifeless country by 2013. Certain precautions have been taken against this, but it is hard seeing as we don't know what type of virus is coming about. in some ways, these bacteriae are more harmful than nuclear attacks for we could detct a missle on military radar and shoot it down. It only takes one immigrant top wipe out America. It could be as bad as the flu outbreak in the early 1900's that killed over 40 million civilians. A second Black Plague might be caused by our enemies.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rutgers Expansion

In this recession, money is limited. Obviously, some people have not taken account of the fact that development must be reduced to meet standard needs. Rutgers, a college just a little n bit north of us, is planning to spend 500 million dollars on an expansion project that will take three yaers to complete. The funding will be used to expand various campuses such as the New Brunswick one we know, the Camden one and the Newark one. There will be many new editions such as new dormitaries and more modern health labs. Whether this expansion will work or not we wish Rutgers the best of luck.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Conflict in Gaza: Who's at Fault?

For the past sixty years, the people of Israel have been terrified of the actions by its Arab neighbors. They have always been defending themselves against these terrorist countries. Just two years ago, Hizbullah, a Muslim terrorist group, was firing rocket into Israel from Lebanon. Unfortunately, Hamas, another terrorist group that has control in the Gaza strip, has been doing the same thing and firing rockets into Israeli towns right outside Gaza. Finally, Israel has decided to do something about it. They have sent troops into Gaza to take out rocket launching sites. Israel is not trying to kill civilians, no matter what the press says. Hamas has put these rocket launching pads ontop of schools and apartment buildings. This way, Israel will look bad to the world. The press also says Israel has killed innocent civilians. However, the people in Gaza know that there are missle sights near them, but thay have done nothing about it. If you go to sleep with a missle, you should not be surprised if you dont' wake up tomorrow. These parents send these kids to school in full knowledge that they are under missle pads. Even though Israeli troops are dying in Israel, another problem is occuring.
The press is corrupted. They have taken a one sided view on the subject. They say nothing about the multitude of deaths from the Arab rocket attacks, but when Israel defends itself, the press gets involved. They have not put themselves in Israel's situation. If MExico was firing rockets into America, would we stand by and tolerate it? NO! In fact, Israel has restrained more than any democracy would in this situation. The New York Times, a normally antisemitic newspaper anyway, has published a disturbing artcle. Here is a portion from it:
The level of suffering in Gaza has grown in recent years. In 2007 there was a civil war between the two leading Palestinian factions, Fatah and Hamas, which had won parliamentary elections in the area the year before. The brief war ended with the rout of Fatah. Israel, which like the United States considers Hamas a terrorist group, clamped down on the area’s borders, restricting access and supplies. Militant groups in Gaza fired rockets at Israeli border towns, with Hamas’s approval. In the summer of 2008 a six-month ceasefire was brokered by Egypt. But while the level of rocket fire fell, it never ceased entirely, and Israel made only minor changes in its border policy. When the cease-fire ended on Dec. 19, Hamas stepped up the firing of rockets and mortars. On Dec. 27, Israel responded with a devastating air and ground campaign that left at least 1,300 Palestinians dead by the time a cease-fire was unilaterally declared by both sides on Jan. 18, 2009. Much of the region’s civil infrastructure and many homes were left in ruins. From:
This article mentions the "suffering" of Gaza. It was Israel that was suffering. Before Gaza was taken from Israel by the Arabs in 2003, the Arabs who did not like the system had plenty of time to leave. They still had time afterwards. They have brought this invasion upon themselves, and it is purely their fault. In addition to that, the press never told of the rocket attacks or the dead Israelites. Gaza must be liberated, Hamas must be destroyed, and the Arabs must see the wrongs of their ways. Israel has a right to defend themselves, as any country does.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Maglevs: Trains of the Future

In class, we are learning about Newton's laws regarding motion. One particular law that has to do with the modern day world is the first law, which states that an object in motion stays in motion unless disturbed by an outside force. For instance, trains go along a rail. The friction between the rail and train car slow the train down. If the train is not going fast enough, the rail will cause enough friction to stop the train's motion completely. So, now in Japan, there are special Maglev trains. These trains do not touch a rail, thus reducing the friction and allowing it to go much faster. Instead, the train hovers. Well, Maglev is short for magnetic levitation. The bottom of the train and the track have the same magnetic poles, which pushes the train upwards. This shows how just one hundred years ago, trains were brand new and now they hover. The new technology is definately useful.