Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cornstarch: Liquid or Solid?

Today in class, we did a lab to test whether or not cornstarch and water was a liquid or a solid. This was a confusing lab for I was not sure what form of matter this substance was for when we first started with the mix it appeared to be liquid. I scooped some up and was suprised to feel a hard bottom. For an instant, the mix was like clay in my hand. However, it soon turned to liquid again. So I rolled it in my hands and it became clay again. Yet when I squeezed it, it liquified. My hypothesis (If the goop is handled, than its form of matter will change.) was accurate. This lab was very fun and very messy. So, it turns out that this substance of cornstarch and water was either a Newtonian liquid, or an amorphous solid when handled. Overall, this was a fun lab.